Health and Safety Policy Statement

Our commitment to protect and promote the health and safety of our employees.

Terms #HealthSafety

The management of the StayGB group of companies understand that we have a legal duty of care towards protecting the health, safety and wellbeing of our employees, subcontractors, customers and others who may be affected by our business activities. We are committed to protecting and promoting the health and safety of our employees and others to prevent injury and ill health and recognise that managing health and safety is a business critical function.

In order to discharge our responsibilities the management of StayGB Group will:

  1. Bring this Policy Statement along with the Environment, Energy and Quality policy statements to the attention of all employees;
  2. Carry out and regularly review risk assessments with the involvement of employees with the goal of minimising risk;
  3. Communicate and consult with our employees on matters affecting their health & safety;
  4. Comply fully with all relevant legal requirements, codes of practice and regulations at International, National and local levels;
  5. Where possible, eliminate risks to health and safety through selection and design of materials, buildings, facilities, equipment and processes;
  6. Encourage staff to identify and report hazards;
  7. Ensure that emergency procedures are in place at all locations for dealing with health and safety issues;
  8. Maintain our premises to ensure safe & healthy working conditions;
  9. Provide and maintain safe machinery, equipment, fixed and portable appliances;
  10. Only engage contractors who are able to demonstrate due regard to health & safety matters;
  11. Provide adequate resources to monitor and control the health and safety risks arising from our work activities;
  12. Provide adequate training and ensure that all employees are competent to do their tasks;
  13. Provide an organisational structure that defines the responsibilities for health and safety;
  14. Provide information, instruction and supervision for employees;
  15. Regularly monitor performance using incident data and revise policies and procedures to pursue a programme of continuous improvement;
  16. Where risks cannot be eliminated they will be minimised by substitution, the use of physical controls, through safe methods of work or, as a last resort, the use of personal protective equipment.

This Health & Safety Policy will be reviewed at least annually and revised as necessary to reflect changes to our business activities and any changes to legislation. Any changes to the Policy will be brought to the attention of all employees and will be published on our website.

Author: StayGB Ltd

StayGB Ltd
Company registered in England & Wales, number 10270897.
Registered Address:
Wayford Bridge Yacht Station, Wayford, Norwich, Norfolk, NR12 9LL, UK. Tel: +44 (0)1603 340182

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