Gift Card Terms and Conditions
These terms and conditions relate to the use of StayGB Gift Cards offered by the StayGB Group.
StayGB Gift Cards are only issued by and / or available from StayGB Ltd. These are the only Gift Cards or Vouchers of any kind redeemable by StayGB Ltd or its subsidiaries, as part of the StayGB Group. They are available for purchase on and may be offered from time to time with promotions.
StayGB Gift Cards have a face value, just like the printed value on a bank note. However, StayGB Gift Cards cannot be redeemed for cash. StayGB Gift Cards may be offered for purchase at their face value, or a lower value as part of a promotion. For example, a gift card may be purchasable for 40 GBP which has a face value of 50 GBP.
Every StayGB Gift Card is identified by a long, random code. Once this code is supplied to us and redeemed against the purchase of an approved product or service it is then spent (used up). Each StayGB Gift Card can only be used once.
A StayGB Gift Card can only be redeemed against one, single purchase. For example, should you choose to redeem a StayGB Gift Card with a face value of 100 GBP against the purchase of a product costing 30 GBP, then the whole Gift Card would be spent (no value on the card would remain).
StayGB Gift Cards can only be redeemed against approved products and services. This approval will be indicated on the product advertising or specification.
Where a StayGB Gift Card is to be used against a booking of holiday accommodation, the Gift Card can only be redeemed against the second or final payment. It cannot be used against a deposit or Non-refundable Booking Fee.
All StayGB Gift Cards have an expiry date by which time the card must be redeemed. The period during which the Gift Card must be redeemed can vary from only a few days to a maximum of 12 months from the date of issue. If they are not used within this period they become null and void.
Regular StayGB Gift Cards are transferable from one person to another. This means that a StayGB Gift Card can be given to a third party to enable them to make a purchase of an approved product or service, subject to the Terms & Conditions applicable to the product or service in question. This allows the StayGB Gift Card to be used as a gift to family members, for example.
However, it is up to the individual to whom the Gift Card was issued to keep their card identifier secure. StayGB is not responsible should the Gift Card (or its identifier or other credentials) be compromised / lost. We will not replace lost or stolen Gift Cards.
For increased security, you may purchase or be issued as part of a promotion a StayGB Personal Gift Card. This Gift Card is not transferable to a third party and can only be redeemed during a purchase where the postcode of the purchaser of the product / service is the same as that of the Gift Card. This will be verified by your credit / debit card issuer.
To enable us to verify that a presented StayGB Gift Card is authentic (genuine) every Gift Card issued contains a cryptographic signature. This signature can be verified against our public keys to determine whether the face value, expiry details etc., specified on the Card have not been tampered with and are genuine.
Right to Withdraw
The StayGB Group reserves the right to withdraw the Gift Card scheme at any time. In this instance, any individuals who purchased a StayGB Gift Card directly from us which has not expired and has not yet been redeemed will be entitled to a full refund of the purchase price of the StayGB Gift Card. Individuals who received a StayGB Gift Card Free of Charge will not be entitled to a refund.
Author: StayGB Ltd