Complaints Policy
We are committed to providing a high-quality service to all our customers. When something goes wrong, we need you to tell us about it. This will help us to improve our standards.
Initial Notice
If you are unhappy about the services we have provided, please contact us as soon as possible with the details. You can do this by email to Please provide sufficient details to enable us to correctly identify your account and services.
We will get in touch with you again within two working days.
Initial notice of complaints must be provided to us at least 14 days prior to the termination of your subscription.
Formal Notice of Complaint
At this point if you are still unhappy with the services we have provided to you then please provide to us a Formal Notice of Complaint. This must be made in writing, sent by Recorded Delivery and include all details relating to your complaint including dates and times.
Please ensure that your formal notice is sent to: STAYGB LTD., Wayford Bridge Yacht Station, Wayford, Norwich, Norfolk, NR12 9LL, UK.
Your Formal Notice of Complaint must be arrive with us within 7 days of termination of your subscription or active contract with us.
We regret that we cannot accept any liability if we have not been so notified.
Author: StayGB Ltd
Published: 2021-09-12T17:02:39.000Z